The Anatomy of an Employee of the Year

Employee Spotlight

The Anatomy of an Employee of the Year

Bennes Patio – we know him as the fun and cheerful Graphic Artist always joking around, making people laugh. But behind his light and approachable personality, he is also a constant United Neon awardee – once an employee of the year, twice a part of the Circle of Five, plus the other recognitions he has already forgotten. He is a caregroup leader, a highly creative individual, a husband and father to four children, and one of the most humble persons in United Neon we know.

Just last February, Bennes has been awarded Employee of the Year. Receiving such an award is no ordinary feat. It is a prestigious award carefully deliberated and chosen by the Board of Directors of United Neon.

Employees at United Neon are given equal opportunities and freedom to explore their ideas, hone their skills, and deepen their values. It remains to the employees, however, how they will make the most of every chance. Looking closely on Bennes, we breakdown how he is exhausting the possibilities of his daily life.


Hands, always reaching out

“Growth,” that is what drives him to work hard. He believes everything is provided by God, his talents and skills included; and it is his duty to give back and productively use these talents given to him. It can be likened to the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30. Those entrusted with much, will be given more. Everyone was given talents to use and nurture. This principle is also how he is able to find new learnings in any given situation. He believes, as people grow, their responsibilities increase simultaneously. Thus is how he continuously seeks and finds growth.

In a busy society where employees no longer love their work, but do so for the sake of keeping one’s job, it is a breath of fresh air to listen to him say he loves designing. And when his artworks are approved, it gives him a sense of fulfillment – music to his ears that makes him look forward to more.

It has always been his desire to help those around him. He does not simply look at work as a set of instructions laid out in front of him to blindly follow without sincerity. He looks at it as a chance to create an output that makes the lives of the people around him easier. Simplification is his forte. That is no surprise as he was once an Engineering student. The fact that he was once involved in Engineering is quite surprising, though. He graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering but later worked as a designer, drawing his way to mark his place in the design world.

A warm smile to brighten the day

Bennes’ first reaction to his recognition was like a child’s on Christmas day – blissful and excited. “Bonus na blessing,” he said. And similar to an acceptance speech at Emmy’s, he offers this accomplishment to his inspiration – his family.

He has been away from his family since he started working in Metro Manila, seeing them only during the weekends and on his vacation days. On weekdays, he makes up with a regular phone call. It was harder, he supposed, when he was just starting out. He missed them constantly and it made him irritable. Seeing the other fathers in the office go home to their families daily also made him sad. Unlike him, they get to see and play with their kids every day.

With the power of technology, he was, eventually, able to cope with this challenge. He calls whenever he misses them and tries to remember why he was doing all these in the first place. Although coping, that does not change the fact that he is more excited to wake up whenever he is in Pampanga. Hearing their voice over the phone is one thing; seeing them smile and laugh up close is another. He even claims it is his special Daddy talent to put the smile on his children’s faces. One day, he promised, given the financial capability, he would like a place where he can work and live with his family at the same time. The patience and discipline to wait for that day is truly remarkable.

Every knee shall bow

Every morning he posts a “verse of the day” on Facebook, sharing his daily Bible inspiration to everyone else because, above all else, he believes on putting God first. He is, first and foremost, a servant. He works on the knowledge God has given him to broaden his views and experiences, and to earn him wisdom.

To level up, were his words. And levelling up is inevitable. “Even with the small things, if one does so regularly and consistently, one day it will grow into a significant part of one’s life,” Bennes shares.

Keen eyes

The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This can be interpreted in another way, that if we trust in our One True God, the Beholder of all creatures, then, you will see beauty and purpose in everything you do. As Bennes go about his day to day work, he tries to borrow the eyes of his Lord and Savior to see what lies ahead according to His plans.

Once, he said he wanted his children to always remember that it is important to acquire skills and grow their talents but the character of the person is most important. With the example he exemplifies, no doubt his children will recall the message.

Faith without work is dead, but work without faith in God is useless. Living up to that, perhaps, is how Bennes manages to win the praise of both his peers and superiors. He may have won Employee of the Year in 2014, but to his family, he has won the Best Father award year after year after year.

Rodett in TaiwanThe Good Parent