Director's Cut Header
The World We Live In

A wise man once said, “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”

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I Seoul You

Seoul-searching or the deep consideration of one’s emotional love for this country – whether for its products, destinations, or culture. Karen takes us on a journey to South Korea’s must-visit destinations so be ready with your basic Korean and don’t forget to munch on those kimbaps!

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Where Have You Been Header1
3rd Time is the Charm

It’s time for carbo loading! Leng recounts her third minor climb, this time in Mount Gulugod Baboy in Batangas. To make the short climb to the summit more worthwhile, she brought some office friends with her. Will they make the hike to the top as well?

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Employee Spotlight Header
Fresh Faces in the Workplace

We are continuously growing as the years go by. Today, let us welcome these fresh faces to the United Neon family.

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Save the Environment Header
Travel with Care: Save the Environment 101

We owe so much to the environment that it’s a crime to treat it with disrespect. As travelers and adventure-enthusiasts, learn to travel responsibly. Here are tips on how to travel with care.

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Have Fun sa Tag-Ulan Header
Have Fun sa Tag-Ulan

Rainy season may be here but don’t fear the rain. We have plenty of fun ideas you may want to try some time soon. Guaranteed fun and safe for your entire family!

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Now Showing Header
Just Keep Swimming

Ready for the cutest fish in town? First, let’s recap Finding Nemo before heading out to cinemas to find Dory.

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Summer with United Neon Header
TraPIC: Summer with United Neon

The sun is up and so are we. Last summer, each department went out for a weekend of fun summer activities. In case you are already missing those days, we’ve got you covered.

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Opening header
Jumpstart with Meaning: A Review of United Neon’s Kick-Off and Business Conference

From Safaris to life purposes to awards and recognition, let us revisit this year’s very meaningful Kick-Off and business planning activities as we stand up, stand out, and synergize in 2016.

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The Story behind Making Lives Meaningful

Behind the tagline and the colorful heart lie an even bigger story. The story that has become something intrinsic in the culture and values of the United Neon.

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Lontoc header
Message in a Bottle

A little more than five years and five months ago, a young man and woman have fallen in love with each other for the very first time. Five years more and wedding bells chime in. Keep calm, may forever. Here’s a sneak peak of Michael Lonctoc and his fiancee’s wedding this March.

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prague header
When in Prague

Europe is everyone’s dream vacation. Let’s start our Eurotour with Central Europe’s Prague. Faith takes us to a tour of the city’s ornate architecture and colorful culture.

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pinatubo header
Mt. Pinatubo Challenge

Would you dare wake up in the wee hours of the morning for a rough ride, and a rocky and dusty hike? Leng Castillo and a few of here friends certainly did.

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aldin header
Ready, Aim, Shoot

Sales targets on weekdays while target shooting on weekends – it’s not a double life but it is Aldin’s extraordinary adrenaline rush.

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The Spirit of Christmas

Behind the Christmas story we have already memorized and the traditions we have developed over the years, let us all look deeper and try to give life to the true meaning of Christmas.

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The Salbabida Lesson

Sir Richard is presented with a service award for his 20 loyal years in United Neon for our partners, country, and God. This kind of recognition will not pass without everyone’s awe. We see him as our silent inspiration of patience and passion.

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Off the Beaten Track

Let’s have a trip on the northernmost tip of Luzon with Phil Chua.
Plus adventures of Kaye Maala, Alpha Allanigui, Eric Diño, Elaine Bismar, and Unica Coloquio in foreign lands.

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Noche Buena
Recipe Suggestions for Your Noche Buena

Sharing with you Ms. Avhic’s three appetizing dishes you can prepare in three easy steps! Pick one to add to your Noche Buena menu for a more exciting Christmas dinner.

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Of Heights and Rekindled Love

From wall and rock climbing, Bam cannot be discouraged. Her love for adventure has now set eyes on lure of visiting new places.

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UN xmas
Christmas at United Neon

As the song goes, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Indeed, it is. It brings a lot of cheer to everyone’s faces. We, here, in United Neon are no exemption.

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TraPIC: Christmas Edition

Coined from traffic and picture. This Christmas, let us check out the magical designs that best capture the creativity and resourcefulness of our Filipino designers.

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Editor’s Note

Lub dub. Lub dub. Do you hear that sound? That is our hearts beating as one. We give you the very first issue of HEART Beat, our official e-newsletter. Come and read the stories and experiences from your United Neon family.

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The Good Parent
The Good Parent

How does one become a good parent? Find out from our very own Chairman Bertram Lim as he talks about the vital qualities of a good parent.

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serben header
The Anatomy of an Employee of the Year

Receiving such an award is no ordinary feat. Let’s breakdown the qualities of our most recent Employee of the Year.

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Rodett in Taiwan
The Dora Lakwatsera Adventures: Taiwan Edition

Another entry on Rodett’s travel diary as she embarked on a new adventure in Taipei, Taiwan.

Bonus: Local Travels of Jade Celis, Rona Jimenez, and Leng Castillo

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heizelle article
Discovering the Beat in Makati

Here are top 5 picks of the upbeat and affordable dining places all around Makati guaranteed to awaken the foodie in you.

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Pixar Does It Again

Really, Pixar? Feelings with feelings? A film review of the most emotionally correct animated film of the year.

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Janice's Hike
Love At First Hike

Growing up, she has always wondered how long it will take one to reach every mountain’s peak. Here, Janice tells us the story of how she became a hiking-enthusiast convert.

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TraPic header

Coined from traffic and picture. Check out the business and entertainment sides of our streets.

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