The Story behind Making Lives Meaningful

Director’s Cut

The Story behind Making Lives Meaningful

For a couple of occasions now, we have seen this brightly colored weave crisscrossing each other, forming a heart on several materials – on the photo booth, the time capsule, and our AVP among others. And this heart is usually accompanied by a mountain-shaped text, making lives meaningful, which is an encouraging imagery of going forward to conquer a mountain.

That’s right. This is United Neon’s new company tagline.

MLM Logo

Bright and uplifting colors in the Making Lives Meaningful logo 

Just recently, United Neon launched its new tagline to its employees and sister companies in the recently concluded Kick-Off and Business Conference. “Making Lives Meaningful,” embodies to its core an entire dictum not only central to the company’s products and services but mostly for its people and culture.

In search for a perfect image that will symbolize the tagline, United Neon now embraces bright colors and dissimilar lines in precise contrast to its blue, black, and white company logo. The multi-colored lines represent the diversity of individuals and companies under the umbrella of United Neon. Each set of lines is standing on its own yet, seamlessly forming a heart. The whole image is played in synchronicity with how United Neon wishes to expand and grow its business and at the same time, zeroes in on the centrality of what will make us different in the marketplace and how we can make a difference as a group of companies. To us, it is not just a statement but a promise we hope to live by.

Kick-Off & Business Con Day1

DCL on his keynote speech during United Neon’s Kick-Off on February 1 at UN Ground Hall

Aptly put, our CEO, Daniel Lim said,  “The point of everything we do is to create a positive impact to the world. No matter how we change the words of how we say the statement, the bottomline is, we want to make a difference – a positive difference, to be exact – that will be meaningful to people.”

A worldwide positive impact is not achieved overnight. Sir Danny continues to explain that the beginning of influencing people is through one’s self. Defining one’s purpose is the first step. This all starts with the individual’s personal resolve to be excellent, to work smart, and have the best motivation for doing so. Collectively, this creates a progressive lifestyle that contributes to the fulfillment of the entire organization.

People with purpose forms a community with meaning. An organization that has a purposeful culture needs not exert too much effort to touch the hearts and lives of the rest of the world. It is inevitable to move on its own. As if a magical surging string that works wonders in inspiring and encouraging people to do good themselves.

Making Lives Meaningful is something intrinsic in the culture and values of the company. It has been in the back burner for many years. When you take a closer look at the heart and soul of United Neon, this is also how it wants to affect its own people. There were many options and choices for a tagline, as we also had our internal contest to encapsulate what we really stand for as a group of companies. This, however, hits the core of what we aspire to do in the future as an integrated marketing channels and content provider.

The Leadership Team has been holding meetings every quarter to ensure that alignment on how we can craft, relay and improve our performance and how each team can contribute to the learning and development of the whole organization.

With the launch of such a noteworthy tagline, it is now in our hands to fulfill the commitment to ourselves and to each other that we will purposefully work towards making lives meaningful.

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