
Core Conversation Img
Grow Character Img

How can I change?

Ano ang maaalala ng mga tao patungkol sa iyo?

How do you want to be remembered when you are long gone from this world?

A dad once said he wants his family to remember him as a faithful husband and a fun dad.
So he never fails to date his wife and seldom misses a week without playing with his kids.
Thirty years after, his kids, now grown ups, fondly remembers their dad just that.
What will the people dear to you remember about you?
Isa lang ang solusyon: Do what it takes to become that person.

Do You Qualify Img

Believe it or not, change is possible with God. Allow our Maker to recreate your being.
Jesus makes it possible but only if we allow Him to change us. Yield to His molding.

“Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new creation!” (2 Cor 5:17).
He knows exactly what needs replacing and renewing. Cooperate with God.
He can do it and He has your back covered.

And remember, we are always a work-in-progress! No one expects you to be flawless.
Nobody is perfect, di ba? So do not be afraid to fail as you make those baby steps.
Keep on trusting and keep it steady. We have a faithful God who enables.
Who gives you the grace to succeed in that character change you need.

Change is possible. Begin that change today!

Great Mabuti

Grow Character Img
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