Editor’s Note

Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. For an adage, this may be true, but it does not go without an argument. It is because there’s more to it than just finding the job you love or the job that pays well. What we feel matters most is being in an environment that feels like home. A place where you can be yourself, see yourself grow in failure and triumphs, and witness the progress within you and the people around you. A culture that treats you as a person and a professional while it also enables you to manage your tempo to find the right chords to play at the right time.

Choose a culture whose day is filled with shared laughter with colleagues over food or coffee; or a week purposely giving time to nurture one’s character; where growth is exemplified in both work and values – a culture where everyone genuinely cares for one another.

Our home here in United Neon is exactly that.

Work can be fun – carefree, insightful, and oftentimes, comical. Sometimes, we find ourselves looking at the ray of light, of seeing the good and, of having allies and friends to tap our back or give us a hug especially in times of adversity. We have a way of making, even the hardest of experiences, inspiring. The nurturing UN culture is what we want to preserve for a long time.

HEART is at the core of our values. Beat is how we as individuals play and swing to the music orchestrated by our conductor.  This is what HEART Beat is all about – our own space to share and swap the stories of our lives.

Let HEART Beat be our collective contribution in the continuing saga of the lives touched by this company.

Employee Spotlight – The Anatomy of an Employee of the Year

Let us all find our perfect rhythm.

Where Have You Been Recently –     The Dora Lakwatsera Adventures: Taiwan Edition by Rodett Asilum

On Local Travel Scene –                       Jade in El Nido, Rona in Coron, and Leng in Ilocos

Try This! –                                               Discovering the Beat in Makati: Top 5 Upbeat & Affordable Foodie Spots in Makati by Heizelle Sigua

Now Showing –                                      Pixar Does it Again: An Inside Out Review by Let Alcobendas

Daring Sports –                                      Love at First Hike by Janice Baloaloa


From heritage to legacy, let HEART Beat become a part of it.  

Families and Relationships –              The Good Parent

Let us live it up and pass it on this HEART Beat.

We would like to thank everyone who has contributed their time, effort, and stories. Without you, we would not have a first issue. Every other month, we shall give you a fresh read where everyone is welcome to write their experiences and contribute. Let the future generation enjoy the taste of this time.

This is our maiden issue of HEART Beat. Let’s keep the stories flowing. And together, let’s beat as one.

-Almira, Raffy & Alpha

The Good Parent