How Character Is Formed! ( – Don Schaefer)

Napoleon Hill once said, “Character is to man what carbon is to steel.” We’re born as diamonds in the rough, uncut, but with potential for great value. We must learn how to cut away undesirable attributes and expose the greatness that’s inside each of us.

This process shapes our character, which is formed by the choices we make, with each cut revealing the diamond we’re becoming. Many will say, “But Don, I dont know what cuts to make?” I tell them, “that’s where our creator comes in, for He knows exactly what cuts to make.” He helps us to set aside our will and replaces it with His will. Our goal in this series is understanding how important this is, to be the people He designs us to be.

We need to understand, it’s not what we say or do that’s valuable in His eyes, but who we are. As John Luther once wrote, “Good character is more to be praised than outstanding talent.” Talent, to some extent, is a gift, but good character, in contrast, isn’t. This means good character is something that has to be built, piece by piece, by thought, choice, courage and determination!

If we’re lacking in character, blaming our circumstances for our weaknesses, it’s like blaming the mirror for the way we look. Instead of casting the blame, we need to cast a new mold, by chipping away at our faults! Together we can do this!

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