Where Have You Been Recently?

Off the Beaten Track
By Phil Chua

It was my birthday week when I decided to visit the beaten track province in the northernmost tip of the Philippines – Batanes!

Planning the trip was as quick as a snap of a finger. By deciding to travel locally exactly a week before my birthday, the travel arrangement was done in less than 60 minutes. That included booking the flight, reserving an accommodation, and inquiring on tour availability. The mixture of adventure and surprise made it even more exciting. Although admittedly a bit worried on this immediate decision, I told myself, “I can make it,” And so I did.

30 sabtang

Vayang Rolling Hills

Day 1

Arriving early in the morning at Basco Airport, it took only a 5-minute transfer to the hotel where I stayed. Too excited, I took off with the in-house bike and pedaled to anywhere it would take me. I did not expect to reach almost half of the first day’s main tour.

First stop was at Vunong Dinette to taste the famous Ivatan meal. It was also the moment to be Mr. Congeniality to the other tourists and I think I’ve got it! After the succulent lunch, we went up to Mt. Carmel Chapel, that happens to ba one of the traditional stone structures in the island. A few meters away, the PAGASA “Tukon” Radar Station was situated where they monitor the volatility of the weather condition in the province. Then we went caving at the WWII Japanese Hideout. This activity is not for the faint of heart because of the dark, narrow, and steep tunnels. Next, we went to Boulder Beach in Chanpan Valugan and Vayang Rolling Hills. They have a truly amazing view. We, then, visited the Basco Chapel to say a little prayer and then headed to the lighthouse in Naidi Hills for an amazing sunset. We finished Day 1 with a seafood pakbet dinner at Pension Ivatan.

Day 2

I woke up energized for the South Batan Tour. We started with Chawa Viewing Deck where the island’s picturesque coast line is visible. Then, we challenged to walk down the deck to experience the powerful wave smashing the rocky shores. Other stops included Mahatao Boat Shelter Port, Mahatao Tayid Lighthouse, and Mahatao Church.

 In a few steps, we found the Blank Book Archive. It became famous because of the secret message written in one of their books. We had our lunch at Paulvana’s Canteen then visited the Old Spanish Bridge and the still standing House of Dakay which is the oldest stone house surviving the 1918 earthquake.

Across Ivana Church, I got excited to finally see, the Honesty Coffee Shop. This is the place that best reminds me of Batanes. The honesty policy is actually applied throughout the island. What a delight to see how an enterprise can run its business on honesty. I wish the same thing can happen in the whole Philippines! Oh, how I truly wish!

24 honesty

Honesty Shop

With some more walking and sun block later, we found ourselves in Motchong Viewpoint. From here, we could see the cliff on the far end.  Then we passed by San Lorenzo Ruiz Chapel where the first mass in Batanes was held, and Racuh-a-Payaman, known as the Marlboro Country, for awesome view of the vast lands of Batanes. Ending Day 2, we had dinner at Octagon – good food, great view, and finally, WIFI!

8 vayang

Sabtang, Batanes

Day 3

Sabtang is the third largest island in Batanes. That will take about 30 minutes by Faluwa boat ride. There you can see the Savidug Idjang, where the ancient ruins of Ivatans lie and the stunning Chamantad-Tinyan Viewpoint, which consists of a vast pasture land, cliff, and a cove. After the long walk to see the stone houses, we got to relax in the shady part outside Sto. Thomas Chapel. Lunch was served at Nakabuang or White Beach.

One must not leave the island without seeing the famous Arch which is the most photographed spot on the beach. We passed by Sabtang Church and Conscience Cafe while waiting for our boat back to Batan. Back in Batan, we had a quick souvenir shopping and taste test of the Coconut Crab in Midtown Inn.

Some tips on visiting this beautiful island:

  1. Plan ahead by booking early to get a promo fare via Philippine Airlines or Sky Jet.
  2. Best time to travel is on dry months from February to June.
  3. Pre-book your hotel and tour to ease your mind.
  4. Wear comfortable clothes, always hydrate, and sunscreen is a must!
  5. Be friendly, enjoy, and take a lot of photos.

Planning this trip might have been a quick and impulsive decision but I surely went home with lots of picture-perfect scenes and good memories to cherish for a lifetime.

Photo Gallery

On Foreign Adventures

Kaye in Japan
Kaye in Japan2

Kaye Maala in Osaka Castle Park, Japan (left) and Universal Studios, Japan (right), November 18, 2015 | “My favorite part? All of the above! Hahaha! I loved all especially the Sesame Street and Spiderman in Universal Studios.”

Alpha in Taiwan
Alpha in Taiwan2

Alpha Allanigui in Yehliu Fishing Village, Taiwan (left), October 30, 2015 | “It was a picturesque view of sub-urban on the other side and a fishing village where we basked seeing the clear blue sea even with fishing boats in the area. This marked our first destination of our Taiwan sojourn.”

National Palace Museum, Taiwan (right), November 2, 2015 | “This is our one last jump shot on our last stop on our last day in Taipei.” It was our last hurrah and our one last shot before the crowd turned crazy wanting to get our spot for their own take.”

Erix in Bhutan

Eric Diño in Mont Blanc (Alps), France (left), August 25, 2015 and Tiger’s Nest (Himalayas), Bhutan (right), March 21, 2014 | “Hiking is always fun as it gives you that sense of achievement. For me, the hardest part yet funniest is not the climb but the descent. I always think to myself ‘Hindi ba ko pwedeng magpa gulong-gulong na lang pababa?’ Every. Single. Time.”

China 2

Elaine Bismar with other Sales groups in Beijing China, April 19, 2015 | “The best part is, of course, sharing one crazy adventure with these crazy people.”

Unica in KK
Unica in KK2

Unica Coloquio in Busat, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, November 8, 2013 | “It was my first out of the country experience and also the first time I went on a trip with Sir Phil and May. We chose this destination because we just wanted to chill. My favorite part was the white water rafting. I was so excited! At first, you’ll get nervous. That’s normal. The longer you’re at it though, the more excited you’ll get – you’ll anticipate and wait for each rapid to hit your raft. It was so fun! We were like kids playing in the water. Well, we are kids at heart anyway.”

Noche BuenaRTT